all 9 Moldys

all 9 Moldys

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

So Close!

Well... It's really happening!

Mom and Dad left at 6:00am Haiti-bound this morning! They have arrived safely and are spending the night at the orphanage with the kids and some friends who are returning home with their son in just a few days.

I spoke with Mom tonight and she said that the kids were glued to their sides (in a good, not annoying way!). They were able to sit down and (FINALLY!) explain to the Kahler Ann and Kiki that they will never have to leave them again and that they will be going home with them this time! Unreal. They told them, via translator, about their new school, their teachers, etc. They seem very excited although they really have no idea what to expect.

The visa appointment at the embassy is Thursday (the 23rd) morning. Please be praying that all goes well and smoothly there.
Next comes several (2-5) days of waiting for the visas and travel papers. Again, please pray that there are no issues with getting them! This is literally the last step aside from getting them on the airplane home!

The boys and I are holding down the fort here at home. Preparing rooms, cleaning, trying to imagine what the next several weeks will look like.

We are so close! Please continue to be in prayer with us through this last week and a half of the actual adoption process as well as in the months to come adjusting to the incredible change in our family!

Their flight lands in Knoxville at 5:50 pm on Sept. 1st (which just so happens to be my 20th birthday...greatest gift ever!).
We would love for anyone and everyone who is available to join us in celebrating their homecoming at the Knoxville Airport that night! What a sweet picture it could be of the community these precious children are entering into!

I'll continue to post updates as I get them!
Thanks again for all of yall's support! We love and appreciate you!


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